Performance Analysis

You want to improve Veloren's performance? But you don't know how to best measure Veloren's performance ? This page is a collection of tools that are already integrated in veloren and can be used to help you collecting data.

Compiling With Release & Debug Symbols

Most tools work better with debug symbols AND in release mode: You can build the project with debug symbols included by running this command:

cargo build --profile releasedebuginfo

Integrated tooling


Prometheus allows you to gather internals of veloren during runtime. The data points are aggregated (e.g. all entities, state tick time spend in physics system). It allows to get a quick, rough look into Veloren's performance, but is not very detailed.

Prometheus statics are exported by default whenever you run veloren-server-cli Open your web browser http://localhost:14005/metrics to see the raw values.

You can import this data into Prometheus via this tutorial: Add localhost:14005/metrics to your /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml. Connect to http://localhost:9090 and enter tick_time, execute and switch over to Graph mode.

You can connect your Prometheus service to a Grafana instance: You'll find example dashboards in the veloren infrastructure repo (not yet available):


Tracy enables you to track the time spent in certain spans based on instrumentation inserted into code. It allows to get a detailed level into certain blocks of code, when they execute and how long they take.

Tracy has an extensive manual available

Enable tracy support with the feature tracy on one of the binary crates:

cargo run --bin veloren-voxygen --no-default-features --features tracy,simd,egui-ui,shaderc-from-source --profile no_overflow"

We have an alias defined for this in .cargo/config, so the following shorthand can be used if you don't need to customize the profile or what features are enabled:

cargo tracy-voxygen

Similarly, we have an alias for running the server with the tracy feature enabled:

cargo tracy-server

Connect to the running process via your Tracy tool:

Note: The version of Tracy required depends on the current version of the tracy_client crate being used by veloren. This can be found in the Cargo.lock file at the repo root and checked against this table

'cargo build -Z timings'

When you want to analyse compile time, you can use cargo's feature -Z timings. It will output a .html file with individual compile times, and dependencies and a total graph showing inactive, active and idling projects.

External tooling

rust: flamegraph

Follow the installation tutorial here: execute it via either cargo flamegraph or simply flamegraph and provide the location to the executable. Once you close veloren a flamegraph.svg file will be created you can open with your browser

Visual Studio 2019 Community Edition (Windows only)

visual studio has a build in profiler, follow this tutorial and attach it to the running veloren program:


you can use valgrind/cachegrind profiler to generate a output file and later analyse it via valgrind. Tutorial: