All commands that can be executed in-game are listed below, note that many commands require Admin or Moderator permissions. Arguments surrounded by <>
are required, []
indicates an optional argument.
Note: The tables below are auto-generated from the commands within the Veloren source code using the command
cargo cmd-doc-gen
Server Commands
Command | Description | Requires | Arguments |
/adminify | Temporarily gives a player a restricted admin role or removes the current one (if not given) | Admin | <player> [role] |
/airship | Spawns an airship | Admin | [kind] [destination_degrees_ccw_of_east] |
/alias | Change your alias | Moderator | <name> |
/area_add | Adds a new build area | Admin | <name> <kind> <xlo> <xhi> <ylo> <yhi> <zlo> <zhi> |
/area_list | List all build areas | Admin | |
/area_remove | Removes specified build area | Admin | <name> <kind> |
/aura | Create an aura | Admin | <aura_radius> [aura_duration] [new_entity] [aura_target] <aura_kind> [aura spec] |
/ban | Ban a player with a given username, for a given duration (if provided). Pass true for overwrite to alter an existing ban. | Moderator | <player> [overwrite] [ban duration] [message] |
/battlemode | Set your battle mode to:
| [battle mode] | |
/battlemode_force | Change your battle mode flag without any checks | Admin | <battle mode> |
/body | Change your body to different species | Admin | <body> |
/buff | Cast a buff on player | Admin | <buff> [strength] [duration] [buff data spec] |
/build | Toggles build mode on and off | ||
/campfire | Spawns a campfire | Admin | |
/clear_persisted_terrain | Clears nearby persisted terrain | Admin | <chunk_radius> |
/create_location | Create a location at the current position | Moderator | <name> |
/debug_column | Prints some debug information about a column | Admin | <x> <y> |
/debug_ways | Prints some debug information about a column's ways | Admin | <x> <y> |
/delete_location | Delete a location | Moderator | <name> |
/destroy_tethers | Destroy all tethers connected to you | Admin | |
/disconnect_all_players | Disconnects all players from the server | Admin | <confirm> |
/dismount | Dismount if you are riding, or dismount anything riding you | Admin | <entity> |
/dropall | Drops all your items on the ground | Moderator | |
/dummy | Spawns a training dummy | Admin | |
/explosion | Explodes the ground around you | Admin | <radius> |
/faction | Send messages to your faction | [message] | |
/give_item | Give yourself some items. For an example or to auto complete use Tab. | Admin | <item> [num] |
/goto | Teleport to a position | Admin | <x> <y> <z> [Dismount from ship] |
/group | Send messages to your group | [message] | |
/group_invite | Invite a player to join a group | <player> | |
/group_kick | Remove a player from a group | <player> | |
/group_leave | Leave the current group | ||
/group_promote | Promote a player to group leader | <player> | |
/health | Set your current health | Admin | <hp> |
/into_npc | Convert yourself to an NPC. Be careful! | Admin | <entity_config> |
/join_faction | Join/leave the specified faction | [faction] | |
/jump | Offset your current position | Admin | <x> <y> <z> [Dismount from ship] |
/kick | Kick a player with a given username | Moderator | <player> [message] |
/kill | Kill yourself | ||
/kill_npcs | Kill the NPCs | Admin | [radius] [--also-pets] |
/kit | Place a set of items into your inventory. | Admin | <kit_name> |
/lantern | Change your lantern's strength and color | Admin | <strength> [r] [g] [b] |
/light | Spawn entity with light | Admin | [r] [g] [b] [x] [y] [z] [strength] |
/lightning | Lightning strike at current position | Admin | |
/location | Teleport to a location | <name> | |
/make_block | Make a block at your location with a color | Admin | <block> [r] [g] [b] |
/make_npc | Spawn entity from config near you. | ||
For an example or to auto complete use Tab. | Admin | <entity_config> [num] | |
/make_sprite | Make a sprite at your location | Admin | <sprite> |
/make_volume | Create a volume (experimental) | Admin | [size] |
/motd | View the server description | ||
/mount | Mount an entity | Admin | <entity> |
/object | Spawn an object | Admin | <object> |
/permit_build | Grants player a bounded box they can build in | Admin | <area_name> |
/players | Lists players currently online | ||
/portal | Spawns a portal | Admin | <x> <y> <z> [requires_no_aggro] [buildup_time] |
/region | Send messages to everyone in your region of the world | [message] | |
/reload_chunks | Reloads chunks loaded on the server | Admin | [chunk_radius] |
/remove_lights | Removes all lights spawned by players | Admin | [radius] |
/repair_equipment | Repairs all equipped items | Admin | |
/reset_recipes | Resets your recipe book | Admin | |
/respawn | Teleport to your waypoint | Moderator | |
/revoke_build | Revokes build area permission for player | Admin | <area_name> |
/revoke_build_all | Revokes all build area permissions for player | Admin | |
/rtsim_chunk | Display information about the current chunk from rtsim | Admin | |
/rtsim_info | Display information about an rtsim NPC | Admin | <npc index> |
/rtsim_npc | List rtsim NPCs that fit a given query (e.g: simulated,merchant) in order of distance | Admin | <query> [max number] |
/rtsim_purge | Purge rtsim data on next startup | Admin | <whether purging of rtsim data should occur on next startup> |
/rtsim_tp | Teleport to an rtsim npc | Admin | <npc index> [Dismount from ship] |
/safezone | Creates a safezone | Moderator | [range] |
/say | Send messages to everyone within shouting distance | [message] | |
/scale | Scale your character | Admin | <factor> [reset_mass] |
/server_physics | Set/unset server-authoritative physics for an account | Moderator | <player> [enabled] |
/set_motd | Set the server description | Admin | [locale] [message] |
/ship | Spawns a ship | Admin | [kind] [Whether the ship should be tethered to the target (or its mount)] [destination_degrees_ccw_of_east] |
/site | Teleport to a site | Moderator | <site> [Dismount from ship] |
/skill_point | Give yourself skill points for a particular skill tree | Admin | <skill tree> [amount] |
/skill_preset | Gives your character desired skills. | Admin | <preset_name> |
/spawn | Spawn a test entity | Admin | <alignment> <entity> [amount] [ai] [scale] [tethered] |
/sudo | Run command as if you were another entity | Moderator | <entity> <[/]command> [args...] |
/tell | Send a message to another player | <player> [message] | |
/tether | Tether another entity to yourself | Admin | <entity> [automatic length] |
/time | Set the time of day | Admin | [time] |
/time_scale | Set scaling of delta time | Admin | [time scale] |
/tp | Teleport to another entity | Moderator | [entity] [Dismount from ship] |
/unban | Remove the ban for the given username | Moderator | <player> |
/version | Prints server version | ||
/waypoint | Set your waypoint to your current position | Admin | |
/weather_zone | Create a weather zone | Admin | <weather kind> [radius] [time] |
/whitelist | Adds/removes username to whitelist | Moderator | <add/remove> <player> |
/wiring | Create wiring element | Admin | |
/world | Send messages to everyone on the server | [message] |
Voxygen Client Commands
Command | Description | Requires | Arguments |
/clear | Clears all messages in chat. Affects all chat tabs. | ||
/experimental_shader | Toggles an experimental shader. | [Shader] | |
/help | Display information about commands | [[/]command] | |
/mute | Mutes chat messages from a player. | <player> | |
/unmute | Unmutes a player muted with the 'mute' command. | <player> |
All the parameters that can be used in the commands that can be executed in-game are listed below.
Parameter | Description | Link |
ai | spawned entity has an agent/ai, true/false | |
alignment | wild , enemy , npc , pet | code reference |
amount | number | |
area_name | name of an area | |
args... | additional parameters, e.g. in /sudo player tell Hello, how are you? args... would be Hello, how are you? | |
ban duration | duration of the ban, e.g. 3d2h30m | |
battle mode | "pvp" (player vs player) or "pve" (player vs environment) | |
block | name of block | blocks |
buff | Name of Buff; be careful, docs use CamelCase and command expects snake_case, e.g. docs: "IncreaseMaxHealth" command: "increase_max_health" | docs reference |
[/]command | e.g. give_item or /give_item | |
confirm | "confirm", to confirm | |
destination_degrees_ccw_of_east | ||
duration | duration in seconds | |
enabled | boolean, true/false | |
entity_config | path to the entity starting from veloren.assets.common.entity with . as separator of directory names; with the prefix common.entity. ! e.g.: common.entity.dungeon.fallback.boss | folder with the entities |
faction | String of Characters, e.g. "Hello" | |
hp | Health Points as number | |
item | path to the item starting from veloren.assets.common.items with . as separator of directory names; with the prefix common.items. ! e.g.: common.items.armor.assassin.belt | folder with the items |
kit_name | name of a kit, e.g. debug | definition of the kits |
message | String of Characters, e.g. "Hello" | |
name | String of Characters, e.g. "Hello" | |
num | number | |
object | name of the object | definition of objects |
overwrite | set to true to overwrite previous ban | |
player | Name of Player's Character | |
preset_name | path to the skillset starting from veloren.assets.common.skillset with . as separator of directory names; with the prefix common.skillset. ! e.g.: common.skillset.preset.max.sceptre | folder with the skillset |
radius | a number to define the radius, has to be higher than 0 and lower than 512 | |
r, g, b | red, green, blue; numbers used to define a color | |
role | "admin" or "moderator" | |
skill tree | name of a skill tree, e.g. general | skill tree names from code |
sprite | name of the sprite | definition of sprites |
strength | number | |
time | options: midnight , night , dawn , morning , day , noon , dusk or %H:%M format e.g. 12:21 | code reference |
username | username of a player | |
xhi | point x on hi | |
xlo | point x on lo | |
x | point x | |
yhi | point y on hi | |
ylo | point y on lo | |
y | point y | |
zhi | point z on hi | |
zlo | point z on lo | |
z | point z |